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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Boxing Day

We had a lovely boxing day with my children their partners and their children, everyone had loads to eat and later on way to much alcohol(except me i didn't even have a single drink).I have taken photos of everyone except myself of course, first is my son Ben and my daughter Bekah, then my son Curtis, my dogs Miss Poppy and Mr Louie,then Nicole in black she is my daughter in law and partner to my son Ben, Sarah wearing pink,daughter in law number 2 who is my son Curtis partner, My beautiful hampers that my children brought me for Christmas day,Connor, who is Sarah's son and Curtis step son, Peyton who is Sarah's daughter and Curtis step daughter, and finally Peyton's giant teddy and miss poppy.
Boxing day was great the weather was good although a little cold later on, everyone had a wonderful time, Ben and Nicole ended up staying the night as Nicole was very sick due to to much alcohol she was told to slow down but refused to listen even when the alcohol was removed she found a way to get more, she is lucky that i am not showing the after shots as they are totally unflattering, after all who wants  to be seen with vomit in their hair.Sarah too managed to drink to excess lucky she just slept it off (without the vomit) my boys on the other hand were very responsible as they were going to be driving home so had very little to drink over the whole day and night, good thing for them as they both had drunk partners to take care of.
The next day wasn't so wonderful for me i had loads of vomit towels and blankets to wash and clean up so i spent a few hours doing the washing, at least i didn't have the dishes to do as my boys helped with the clean up.All in all it was a wonderful day because we got to spend it together.

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