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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Apricot & Peach Rosette Soap Cake

Here's another of my delicious soap cakes, this one is an Apricot and Peach rosette cake.

This slice of cake smells fantastic like sweet sun-ripened apricots and juicy peaches, i think it would make fantastic wedding or party favors, it's pretty elegant and very girly.

I have many more yummy cakes and slices curing at the moment so i will be taking some more photos soon....

Friday, March 30, 2012

Cake Slice Wedding Favor Soaps(Cupcakes & Tart soaps too)

I wanted to create something a little different for a change...
Something elegant and beautiful to look at, something that smelled delicious too, and i think i have achieved that with these soaps.

I made some mixed color swirled cupcakes again , i used to make them all the time and they were huge sellers for me, but i stopped making them as i got bored and needed a change, my husband said i should make them again as he thinks they are my nicest cupcakes, so i took his advice and made a few batches, i am really pleased with the way they turned out they look so lovely... 

The whole cake is my best cake yet,i got the idea because a customer wanted soaps for gifts as she was a diabetic and couldn't have cake, i thought it would make fantastic wedding favors for people that cant eat real cake... it actually looks and smells just like the real thing and the good thing that is if you cant have cake, you can still have this cake, and use it too,it looks and smells like real cake.
I really didn't want to cut a slice out of it,but i needed to see how the layers looked on the inside, i needed to see if they were even and to make sure that the frosting on the top didn't crack , to make that it looked ok, i am so pleased with it, i have listed it for sale on my website now, but i must say that i really love this cake and will be reluctantly selling it as i'd rather keep it on a cake plate for myself to display..

Monday, March 26, 2012

More Delicious Soaps (a whole cake)

This is my latest creation, a yummy vanilla & lavender layered cake.
I made it in purple because it is my favorite color, I'm not a big fan of lavender but it went so nicely with the vanilla and smells divine that it has won me over.
The only thing i am worried about is the vanilla layers as i forgot to add the vanilla stabilizer to my mix so i am sure it will darken a little, it has color and titanium dioxide in it so i am hoping that will help stop it darkening so much... oh well it still looks and smells fantastic..

Sunday, March 25, 2012

More Delicious Cupcake Soaps

Here's some more soaps for you to enjoy, delicious cherry cupcakes, these look and smell so yummy....

I have more yummy cakes and desserts that i am waiting to cure so will be adding them to my soap collection soon. 

Rachel if you are reading this then i will have some more soaps coming your way really soon...

Beautiful Roses Soap Cupcakes

Roses Soap Cupcakes

I thought you might like to see my roses topped cupcakes all made from soap, these beautiful cupcakes took me ages to make.

I made these for an order for wedding favors, i was so pleased with the way they turned out, so was the bride to be.

It took 3 days alone just to make all the roses for the tops and an extra day to make the leaves,i listed the extras on my website and they sold out straight away, luckily i have more curing that will be ready soon, these turned out to be so popular i have had loads of inquiries about them, but for now it looks like i will be making another 50 roses aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...i cant wait.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

More Delicious Soap Desserts and Bar Soaps...

Oh Behave

Neon Bubblegum

Here are just a few of my latest delicious little cream filled dessert soaps and a few bar soaps for you to enjoy, all the guilty pleasures of a creamy, delicious, dessert but with none of the calories.

Well my soaps finally made it into the New Zealand Herald Yesterday... (21st) i didn't even find out till the texts and emails started coming in from friends and family..
Ever since then I have been busy answering so many emails from people that saw the photo essay and want to know how they can go about purchasing my soaps, so far i have been invited to sell my soaps at all sorts of exhibits and functions, who would have thought a little photo essay in the paper could generate so much interest, i am more than a little surprised by all the attention...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Delicious Soap Tarts and Lemon Meringue Pie

I had a great weekend, i was at the Tamahere Market selling my  soaps, it was a lovely day on Saturday a little bit windy but it didn't rain, i think that will be the last sunny market we will be having as the winter weather is on its way finally.
I just adore winter, a lovely hot fire, delicious puddings, homemade soups, warm winter pjs, hot baths, my mums fantastically warm hand knitted socks, the rain falling on the roof at nights whilst you sleep and the wind whistling around the windows, early dark nights, winter fog, the smell of firewood burning, thunder and lightening and all the things about winter i love so much..
I cant say that i have ever really enjoyed summer(except for getting together with family),i hate the heat, i always felt summer was for skinny people, and people that look good in shorts, cause i never wear them or pretty summer dresses or tee shirts with ultra short sleeves, i just prefer winter, give me comfortable jeans and boots, woolen hats and scarves anytime..
These are some of my latest soapy desserts the tarts are strawberry and rhubarb, they smell delicious...
I have so many more soaps planned, i go to sleep at nights with hundreds of ideas running around my head, then i get up in the morning and make what i have envisioned, my soaps usually look like i hope they will, and if they don't then i just make more and more till i get it right....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Latest Cupcakes& Cake Slice Soaps,my obsession with soaps continues

I have had a great start to my week..
A photographer from the New Zealand Herald came out on Monday morning to take photos of my soaps for an upcoming issue of their paper, i was so nervous, she wanted photos of me making and frosting my cupcakes, i was so worried that something would go wrong with my soap recipe but it all went perfectly and she took some fantastic photos, i cant wait to see what to see my cupcakes in print, i don't know when its going to go in the paper but as soon as i find out I'll let you know...

My daughter Rebbekah has now been bitten by the soap bug too and she asks me everyday now if she can make a batch of soap, so far she has made 2 absolutely beautiful batches that i will put up for sale on my website when they are ready, i think she feels she has a purpose now, she decided to have a break this year before she goes on to further her education, as she has finished high school last year, she has been moping around the house eating junk food and playing xbox all day so it's nice to see her enthusiastic about something again...

I was inspired this week by a blog i read by Missouri River Soaps an extremely talented soap maker called Holly made the most beautiful batch of natural soap i have ever seen, she called it Sprinkles and Twinkles it looked so beautiful that i knew i had to make a batch of natural soap of my own, no fragrance just plain simple soap, i have been so busy making highly fragranced, colored soap that i had forgotten how lovely a simple plain bar of soap can be, so i made some, it isn't as beautiful as Hollies soap but i cant wait to use it, i added some silk and Greek yogurt to it to make it that little bit more luxurious, it smells lovely and looks so creamy, i did add some cosmetic glitter to it though as i am a little obsessed with the stuff..
 My loving husband took me shopping on the weekend for a new camera as my crappy old one takes such awful photos, i have never had a proper camera before so i have  been enjoying the luxury of taking photos with it, its fantastic..

 FedEx  just dropped off a parcel full of the new fragrances i ordered, i am a little surprised that they have arrived already, but i have smelled them all and decided exactly what soaps are going to be made with these delicious fragrances.
Till next time, I'm off to make more soa