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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mouthwatering Slices of Pie soaps

Blueberry Pie

Hot Apple Pie

Luscious Lemon Meringue Pie

I have been busy making pies made from cold process soaps, they smell amazing, the lemon meringue was a best seller for me last time i made it, it sold out straight away, so this time i made extra pies, a tangy hot apple pie, and a heavenly blueberry pie, Delicious.

I have also been busy making whole soap cakes, i am so please with the way my latest cake turned out, i used olive oil, Castor oil, vitamin e oil, coconut oil, palm oil and heaps of cocoa butter, its a yummy honey cake, made with real manuka honey , it's two delicious layers of honey cake  filled with fruity raspberry filling, this cake smells like it's edible,at the moment it is uniced i am going to ice it with beautiful white frosting, then drizzle it with honey soap, i am hoping it will look lovely I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mr Lou, Miss Poppy and their Puppies

Poppy the night before giving birth she was huge

Mr Lou the lucky daddy to 5 little Lou's

Grumpy Poppy the babies are 2 hours old

Poppy and the babies 4 days old

So cute

protective poppy

little puppies 9 days old their little noses are just turning black

Mr Lou is still grumpy as poppy still wont let him see the puppies

These are the little sweeps a girl and a boy they are the noisy ones always making little noises that sound like sweep off the sooty and sweep show

Miss Poppy happily taking a time out from the babies.
10 days ago Poppy and Louie became a mum and dad, they had 5 beautiful little babies, when we took Poppy to the vets the vet did a scan and told us we could expect 3 puppies, instead we have 5, poor Little poppy shes so small herself now she has 5 babies.
Mr Lou still isn't allowed anywhere near the babies at all, if she hears him in the hallway she will growl and bark at him through the door, and then when she comes out later she nips him on the face for it, shes so mean, all he wants to do is his his little babies.
The puppies are so cute their little noses are turning from pink to black and it wont be long before their little eyes open,( then poppy will have her job cut out for her), we are going to have a hard time letting go of the puppies when it comes time to finding them loving homes, i promised myself i wont get to attached, but how can you not.

Little Felt Cakes and Cookies

These are some of the felt playfood that i have been sewing, it seems no matter how much i sew i just cant seem to build up my supplies, no sooner than i have finished sewing out the door they go, i sold out again at last Saturdays market at Tamahere and so for the next few weeks i will be sewing non stop to stock up my felt foods again, still i cant complain the same buyers keep coming back and they are telling all their friends and now they come and buy too, so i must be doing something right.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Most Amazing Chocolate Soap Yet ( for the fussiest chocoholic)

Best ever Chocolate Soap

Chocolate, Caramel, Vanilla

Uncut Chocolate, Caramel, Vanilla

Rise and shine

Love spell

I had such a wonderful day at the Tamahere Market last Saturday, we got there nice and early to set up our stall, it was so cold that my feet and hands were frozen, i ended up having to buy a thick pair of woolen socks from another stall holder just to warm up my cold feet,the sun came out a few hours later and so did all the people, i just about sold out of all my felt foods, and i sold a huge amount of soap, i was busy the whole day, plus everyone there was in a happy mood so it ended up being the perfect day after all.
So many people were buying things to put away now as gifts for Christmas, what a brilliant idea, there is nothing like being prepared , that way you don't have all the costs and stress of shopping at the last minute.

These are my beautiful new soaps i have spent the last year trying to make the perfect chocolate soap and now i have.
Honestly this soap is amazing it's a hard bar with a rich and creamy lather and the most heavenly scent of chocolate, i am so please with the way it turned out, it feels so wonderful on your skin, leaving your skin ultra moisturised and smelling delicious.
The ingredients for this soap are cocoa butter ,Olive oil palm,coconut oil, Castor oil and lye.
My daughter said it looks like a chocolate nougat bar and smells edible and i guess it does, i know this will end up being another best seller for me.
I have redone my chocolate, vanilla and caramel soap yet again, it sells so fast that i seem to be forever making it,i really like the way the swirls and colours came out and the smell as always is dreamy, gooey caramel, rich dark chocolate and sweet vanilla, yum.
I also made my love spell soap as i had sold out, at least i thought i did, before i realised it i had added rise and shine by mistake instead of love spell, all i have to do now is remember it's not love spell even though it's the same colour.
The love spell however looks great all yellow, back, red and orange swirled together, it was supposed to be scented with rise and shine but it still looks and smells wonderful.
I am so happy with the chocolate soap that i am going to use this recipe alot and try different scents and colours,my new order from brambleberry is due any day now so as soon as it gets here i will be making soap soap and more soap.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cupcake Soaps, Mixed Colours, Felt Strawberries and Blue Faux Cupakes

These are my latest editions of my cupcake soaps, they smell delicious, the brown and cream ones are scented with  dark chocolate and swirled with buttercream snickerdoodle.
The pink and white are pina colada, these smell amazing.

I have also been busy completing my felt orders and have only managed to make a few items for my next market, these are a dozen strawberries all ready for an order.

The blue cupcakes are my new faux cupcakes they are scented so smell absolutely amazing, i made the roses myself out of fimo it was my first attempt at making roses and i was happy with the way they turned out.