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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Handmade Natural Soaps

Carrot Chamomile & Orange Peel

Manuka Honey & Oat

Tomato & Pink Clay

Seaweed Lemon Grass & Dead Sea Mud

Cardamon Ginger & Dead Sea Mud

Baileys & Coconut Cream

Green Tea & Licorice

Healing Bars

Beer & Coconut Cream Shaving Bars

These are a selection of the last soaps that i played a part in making for the new soap sensations, after many discussions with Cara, Seth & Sky i managed to help create a new look for their upcoming natural soaps that we all could finally agree on. I must say i really did enjoy creating these soaps and they work in well for the new look soap sensations as everyone involved is into natural products and are vegans so it was an easy choice to incorporate our lifestyles into these bars they are 100% vegan friendly (except the manuka honey) these beautiful bars are unscented, uncolored and are just pure handmade soap.
I didn't realize just how much i missed soap making until i stopped completely making bars on a large scale,i have been making a few bars for myself and my friends so it doesn't feel quite the same but i have several other interests to keep me occupied.

Right now i am enjoying the last of my summer vege garden and have finally finished picking the last of my tomatoes (stupidly i planted around 18 plants of different varieties) so as you can imagine we had PLENTY of tomatoes, i froze, preserved and made sauces, puree, relishes and loads of salads and pasta dishes,we gave away bucket loads to family friends and the local community house, next year i plan on growing 2-3 plants instead.
We also enjoyed a fantastic bounty of potatoes (which were absolutely amazing with a little olive oil salt and pepper),silver beet,rhubarb,peas,beans and gherkins (which are delicious pickled) the carrots weren't up to much neither were the broad beans.We also enjoyed our herb garden with chives,parsley basil,thyme,mint,pineapple sage and rosemary, then there was my garden favorites of lemon balm, st johns wort, chamomile and calendula .and loads of beautiful pansy plants in all different colours and cosmos.
I am already getting the garden prepared for our winter veg so it is keeping me out of trouble and surprisingly i am having loads of fun growing food for my family's tummies.

Today i kept busy baking a devils food cake for my partners birthday i made a the yummiest icing only to be confused as i waited for the icing to thicken before i piped it, stupid me... it was a while before i realized that is wasn't soap that i was piping but icing and it wouldn't thicken up like soap does, just goes to show how long its been since i made real cake and not soap cake.i guess i'll just have to bake alot more i know my family will be happy about this.

Cara will be posting some pics of her sweet tooth collection soon and one of the cakes i made for her (she has a little trouble piping) so im sure you will all enjoy seeing her photos, she tells me that soap sensations will be having a name change soon so i will keep you posted on this
Bye for now

Monday, March 2, 2015

Life Changes

Sometimes this blog is about soaps sometimes its about my life sometimes its a mix of both.
Those of you you that read this blog and know me on a personal level will know that i have had a lot of changes in my life in the last few years, firstly i brought a home out of town with my husband of 20 years, we happily moved in and life was good, then i opened a shop where i made and sold my soaps and for a while i was extremely happy, i was set on a path i thought i wanted, then 18 months ago everything changed....
I closed the doors to my shop, ended my marriage and moved away, stopped making soaps and started a brand new life...

I am really happy with the choices i have made and whilst friends and family members were quick to judge me and the choices i made they don't realize that i AM extremely happy, for the first time in what seemed like forever i was in control of my everyday life it was strange unusual and very difficult to adjust at first being responsible for myself cooking and cleaning and doing everything on my own but i liked it.

This life is MY life its brand new and full of opportunities, yes i may have lost all my old friends and a few family along the way, but i made all new friends these people have been supportive and are not judge-mental,when i left my old life i took nothing with me, i left behind every single thing i owned, so starting again has been very hard indeed, but i don't measure the happiness in my life with trinkets and possessions so i don't need those things any longer.
Living in a new town was hard at first but now its home...

I still make a little soap and in the last 18 months i have taught a few friends to make soap but for me its not the same anymore, i don't have the passion for it i used to have when i make soaps now it just brings back memories of a life i used to have painful memories.

So with a a sadness in my heart i have decided to officially end soap making, unofficially i have been out of the soap making life style for 18 months now all the soaps i have been making were to teach others, so all the soaps you have seen since then were a product of my teaching them. From now on the website is officially no longer mine it is now going to be run by 3 lovely friends of mine that have a passion for soap making, in the last 2 years i have been teaching them everything i know about soap making, and so after many months of discussions and shared recipes and ideas we have come up with a selection of soaps that will stay true to the concept i started out with when i started making soaps all those years ago. The old soaps sensations website will shortly be updated with their range of soaps, a name change and then that's all for me...from time to time i'll still make soaps as i could never go back to the toxic store brought varieties...

This blog will still showcase all the beautiful soap creations that are being made the only difference is that the creations will be theirs and not mine although i imagine that from time to time they will still ask me for advice and help from my part of the country.
Bye for now...