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Friday, March 11, 2016

Making Girly Soap

Hi everyone, 
I'm getting close to having my baby just 5 weeks left to go i have already had a false start which ended up with me spending a few days in hospital i was given pills to strengthen baby's lungs and pills to stop my labour and after 4 days everything stopped and i was able to go home and rest up.

My family has been quite strict with me taking over all the housework, cooking all meals and demanding that i rest and put my feet up which is something i hate doing as i can never manage to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time, i guess i am just an active relaxer.

But sitting down doing nothing and being completely and utterly bored has given me a lot of time to think, knit, sew, read and all the other things that i never stop to do and wont have the time to do once the baby gets here, i have also been thinking a lot more about soap making since i made my baby soap.

So with nothing but time on my hands and bored out of my mind i decided to make some soap with a friend, he always loves making soap with me and prefers to make natural soaps to the pretty and girly soaps i enjoy making. I decided we were going to do something different and make and pipe bars of girly soap and this is the result of our soap making adventure.

Having not made pretty and girly soaps for a long time means that i don't have the soap making supplies i used to,but we were pretty resourceful and found a single icing nozzle, of course we didn't have any piping bags so had to improvise and use sandwich bags instead, it was a little messy and not that easy to pipe with but i loved the end result, it turns out that my friend is a natural when it comes to what he calls the girly stuff...i only had to help the smallest bit, the soap he piped is so beautifully done and looks so elegant he did so well considering all he used was sandwich bags.

I have very few soaps colours as i gave most of my things when i gave up soap making but the few colours we were able to find looked amazing.
I only had a handful of fragrances but he chose a lovely light one that matched his choice of colours for these bars.

We cut the bars today as i was dying to see the end result as that is my favourite part of making soap, he wasn't that enthusiastic as he thought the soaps wouldn't look good but they look fantastic..i will try and get some photos taken of these as soon as i can so you can see the end result of all his hard work. 
Now he wants to try is hand at making more of these so called girly bars which i think is a brilliant idea.... He has just got to come up with a name for his new bars....Bye for now