Glamorous Parade
Pink Passions
Cashmere kisses& Silk
Dead Sea Mud & Seaweed |
Black Raspberry Swirl |
Sweetie Pie |
It's been so cold and windy lately but perfect weather for staying indoors and making soap, not that i have made much soap recently as we have been so busy looking for as new house, we have viewed several lovely homes in our area but nothing that i like, maybe i am just being too fussy...
These are a few of the latest cupcakes and bar soaps that are cured and ready, i have many more cake slices, sponge cakes, cakes and cupcakes that are a few days off from being ready so i will take some more photos then.
I love my new Glamorous Parade soap, i forgot to include one of my oils when i ran it through the lye calculator, i was so sure i'd have to bin the lot..after 2 days i removed it from the mould but it was so soft that i wasn't able to cut it for ages, but after a very, very, long cure this soap is perfect.
This soap is just so lovely, the fragrance matches so perfectly and the jojoba beads give it a lovely light exfoliation, it has the most amazing creamy lather and foams up really well plus it feels like silk and hydrates my dry winter skin beautifully, i have to say that this is one of my best soaps yet so i am now rethinking the amount of oils i am adding in, i probably wont add in as much as this bar but i am certainly rethinking my recipes...
I made a black raspberry swirl soap this time, i haven't made one before and i admit i got a little carried away with the colors and the swirling, it's far from perfect but ok for a first try but it smells fab....
The coconut and papaya smells wonderful as usual...this is a soap i make time after time as it is also a best seller for me, the swirly pattern didn't quite turn out the way that it usually does as the soap set faster than it usually does, i think it has something to do with the colder weather making the soap set a lot quicker..., so that was a little disappointing but it still looks ok
I remade my cashmere kisses and silk soap as i wanted a change, i was sick of making batch after batch of the same color soap, why i didn't just stick to the original i don't know.
I cant say i was impressed with anything about this soap except for the fragrance which is always a best seller for me, the brown i used just didn't do anything for this soap and the colors i chose didn't seem to go well together, but i learned my lesson and will go back to the original..
My marshmallow soap smells yummy, i was disappointed with the way the colors i used on the base mixed together but apart from that it's ok, it smells nice and lathers well though.
The caramel soap also didn't turn out quite like i had hoped that it would, the colors looked so lovely when i first made it but once it cured the caramel was more brown than a golden caramel color, it still smells fantastic and lathers well but not what i was after...
The sweetie pie smells divine, this fragrance is also a best seller,deliciously sweet & creamy caramelized brown sugar swirled with sweet ripe fig, i added a little pink clay and silk to this batch and i am sorta happy with it,but i do wish it had a little more of a swirly pattern to it(again i am blaming the colder weather)plus the titanium dioxide i added gave it a crackle pattern, it's not ugly just unwanted as i had planed on smooth looking color...
The dead sea mud and seaweed also didn't turn out quite as i had hoped, the last batches i made looked lovely and have been best sellers for me, this time however i changed suppliers for one of the clay's i used and instead of a lovely grey it went a not so nice brown color, very disappointing, it just doesn't have the same appeal to me as the last batches did...
So all in all a disappointing few batches of soap this time,i have no idea why...the cupcakes are the only soaps that i was really happy with this time, especially the orange ones they look and smell amazing..., but like i said i do have more delicious soaps curing that i AM happy with , these i will show you soon, Bye for now..