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Monday, February 27, 2012

I Love Soap....

Thought you might like to have a look at some of my most recent soap editions.

I have been asked by the organizers the Hamilton Vintage & Retro fair if i would like to have a stall on the 31st March, so i have been busy making some new soaps that will be ready in time for the fair, plus i have craftmad in Hamilton East this Saturday the 3rd march.

 I have made most of my new soaps  in vintage and retro colors to go with the theme of the day, i have some delicious fragrances to match, i think my favorite would have to be the Vintage Rose, my husband says it smells like baby powder but i just love it, it's a delicate light fragrance, i cant wait for this bar to be cured so that i can shower with it,cause  i cant stop smelling this bar.

I have also made another detox bar as the last sold out in days, i have revamped it a little with a new look, but it still has all the same ingredients and fragrance, i think this looks so much nicer.

I have also made some new cheesecake soaps, these sell out so fast that i am forever making them, the coconut creamberry pie is a fantastic seller, it is made with real coconut cream so it has an amazing lather and smells absolutely edible.

I recently ordered some new cupcake cases and i was very impressed with them when they arrived, i cant wait to make a start on my new cupcakes using the beautiful new cases, i still have plenty of cupcakes curing, but i sell loads of cupcakes so you can never have to many...

I finally managed to get a parcel of my latest soaps sent out to my mum today, she has been staying with my sister for a while so i wasn't sure if she would be at home when her parcel arrived or not,but i thought I'd risk it, so mum if you are reading this a parcel of soaps are on their way to you, enjoy...

It's nearly the end of the month so it's that time again when i send out lovely sample parcels to all my human guinea pigs to try, i have quite a collection of guinea pigs that just love trying my soaps,they are friends, family and repeat customers but i am always on the lookout for new test subjects, so if you are interested drop me a line...  at the moment the lovely ladies behind the counter at the local post shop i go to are enjoying my soap samples, they give me such positive feedback, so that's wonderful to hear.

I have had so much interest in my soaps lately!!!!, Christine from the herald wants to do a story about me for the back page of the herald so i am really looking forward to that, my soaps are really taking off, which is fantastic...
I just love making soap...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dessert Soaps, Beautiful Bar Soaps & Snow Freeze (they look and smell so real)

Hi everyone,well i have been having a ball making all new desserts and bar soaps, i am so pleased with the way the swirl pattern turned out on these beautiful bar soaps.
I will be holding a stall at the Vintage Retro Fair on the 31st March In Hamilton,it will be held on the Corner of London and Harwood Street so i have been making a lot of new soaps with the retro look in mind....
Plus my supplies have been running low lately, no sooner than i am making them they are selling out, i also had a busy market on the 18th at Tamahere where i sold a load of soap, i have my regular customers coming from all over the Waikato just to buy my soaps, they just love them,it just makes it so worthwhile to know that my customers are loving my soaps... Mum if you are reading this some samples will be on the way to you soon...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ive Been Busy...Desserts and Cheesecake Soaps

These are some of my latest creations, as you can see i have been exceptionally busy.
I was contacted by the herald last week they want to do a story about me and my soaps, I'm so excited...
It seems things are really looking up for me, i have been busy non stop with orders and full on markets plusi have had a few stores approach me about selling my soaps so i must be doing something right.
I just love making soaps....

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Last of my Felt Foods...

I have finally had enough of felt foods, these are the last felt foods i have in stock, i have no plans to ever sew anymore, so this is it....
I have listed these on trademe (nz auction website) and sold a few things within minutes of listing them.
I cant say i will be sad to see them go, they represent hours of frustrated sewing, sore fingers and sleepless night and ever approaching deadlines to complete orders
What you make from sewing felt toys just isn't Worth the time and effort, there was a point during all the crazy sewing that i actually enjoyed what i was doing, but i think that was before i had demanding customers that wanted me to make these toys for next to nothing so that they could see them on in their shops and make huge profits...that's when it stopped being fun.
So to all my faithful customers who appreciated what i made, a big  thank you, i loved seeing your photos of your grandchildren, children and nieces etc with their new toys that i had made them...
Onwards and upwards....handmade soaps you have my full attention........

Lemon Swirl Cheesecake Soap and a few Cupcakes

It's been so hot and humid here lately that i haven't felt like doing much at all except blobbing out in front of the fan in the lounge and going to sleep, but instead i did what i love doing the most and made some delicious soaps, here are a selection of my latest editions.
I just love the way my lemon swirl cheesecake turned out,for me anything lemon will do, i added a little vanilla as i think the vanilla complements the lemon so well and the glitter just finished it off beautifully.
I made another few batches of cupcakes they are dainty and pretty and are selling fast, my trade me customers just love them...
I also made a few slices of carrot cake and chocolate cake, the carrot smells delicious, i added some pureed carrot and a little spice fragrance, it is also made with coconut cream so it lathers beautifully, it's frosted with a buttery caramel and vanilla frosting with a touch of hazelnut, this smells like real food and makes me so hungry every time i smell it.
I have been trying to get the hang of using my new fragrances, as i changed suppliers as the postage for my usual fragrances was just way to costly, i managed to find another American supplier and their postage costs are so much more affordable and their fragrances are amazing,but i keep forgetting that they are concentrated and keep adding much more than i am supposed to ,which sets up my soap super quick, but at least they smell fantastic.
I must say i just adore the scents i just brought in, my new supplier has hundreds of different scents to choose from, the company i was previously buying from was getting way to expensive and i noticed that the same scents i always brought had an awful chemical scent to them, they made my batches of soap smell like meths, the chocolate scent smelled the worst of all which is such a shame as i brought a huge bottle that i cant use, and chocolate soap is my biggest seller too, when i contacted the company they said that it will smell a little that way in the bottle but will be different when you use it, it wasn't,it still smelled like meths after it had finished curing, the caramel also smelled like meths and went a deep brown when i used it, it usually turns a golden caramel, i managed to ruin 2 batches of soap using it, i was so disappointed, so much for customer loyalty, i was spending a small fortune with them each month too, I'm so glad i changed companies....

Monday, February 6, 2012

Yummy little Soaps, Cupcakes and Desserts...

Dainty Little Cupcakes Soap

Fruity Desserts Soaps

Little Pink Cupcake Soaps

More Little Pink Cupcake Soaps

I just love making cupcake soaps, these are my latest editions, they are completely different from the cupcakes i usually make as i wanted to try something a little different this time, as i was sick of the same cupcakes day in day out,i am so pleased with the way that these turned out, they are dainty and smell delicious...
I brought my lovely cases on line they are so pretty, the duck egg blue with dots is my favourite,but they are all so lovely...
I also brought some fantastic fragrances from another supplier in America, they are absolutely amazing... i used the same amount that i usually would in a batch of soap but the smell is so strong, they said they were concentrated but i wasn't sure so i put plenty in,(my last supplier said that to but they were not that strong) next time i would only need a small amount, it got me thinking how watered down the fragrances i usually buy are,as a loyal customer i felt a little ripped off as i spend a small fortune on fragrances and the shipping costs are huge, but now at least buying beautiful concentrated fragrances from my new supplier will be a lot cheaper and they have so many more fragrances for me to choose from that are so much stronger and the postage is so much cheaper, they even sent me a free gift....
I have made some beautiful batches of soap with my new fragrances, i cant wait till they are ready to use, i scented one with pink sugar, omg this smells absolutely amazing, i cant stop smelling this soap, i just love it... everyone that has smelled this soap loves it as much as i do, so i know that this is one fragrance i will be buying plenty of, my only problem is that it changed colour a bit, but it still looks and smells divine, i will post a pic when it's ready...bye for now...