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Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Latest Soaps, Listed Today

Now that the Christmas rush has been and gone i am able to get back to a more normal pace of soap making yet again..

These are the latest soaps i listed today, as you can see i have made plenty more chocolate soaps and have more curing that will be ready shortly as they are such big sellers for me.

As i am am always one for experimenting i have been trying all new food items to add to the mix, goats milk, cream, yogurt etc..., the last few batches of soap i have made have been made with coconut cream and i just love the results so from now on i will be adding this to nearly all my soaps, the lather is amazing and the softness outstanding...

In the past i have tried beer, baileys, coke, whiskey, to name a few but none of them except the baileys stood out for me, so if you want a beautiful creamy soap that smells great, try adding baileys...

Out of all the soaps here i have to admit that i just love the smell of the almond soap the most even though i am a chocoholic, i did make a choc almond dessert not long back and everyone just loved it so you can guess what the next soap i make will be.
I have a few surprises in store for some of my regular customers as i am bringing out a new range of more natural soaps for those with sensitive skins like me...

Will post more soaps when they are ready.

Happy New Year Everyone.....

On the Cruring Rack

These are a few of my latest soaps that i have on the curing rack at the moment.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day

My kids and their kids and daughter in law Nicole 



my boys and daughter in law Sarah

mother and brother in law Mary and Vern

My husband Jase

my kids

my kids
Well another Christmas is over but what a lovely day we all had.
Now the kids are grown up and have partners and busy lives of their own we hardly get to spend any time together anymore so it was so lovely to all be together on Christmas day.
The weather was great and the rain stayed away so we all enjoyed a lovely bbq together, i got some fantastic gifts too, 2 pretty wooden Russian dolls(exactly what i wanted thanks Bekah and Jase), a handbag and purse and a shoulder bag too (thanks Jase),some beautiful perfume (Thanks Curtis and Sarah),chocolates from Connor (Curtis step son),wine from Mary and Vern and a hamper full of cupcake items(i have an obsession with all things cupcake, thanks Nicole and Ben) and everyone seemed to like the gifts i has picked out for them too, it was so nice just being able to relax and catch up with my sons that i hardly ever see even though we all live in the same town.
Curtis made a lovely pine nut, bacon and avocado salad for us to share and Nicole made her famous huge Christmas trifle and Mary made delicious kebabs, so we got to enjoy a  variety of yummy foods, we also had ham on the bone, steak, sausages,chicken patties hamburger patties,( i had tuna steaks),plenty of summer salads and for dessert Christmas pudding, chocolate chippie log, pavlova,trifle, 2 chocolate trifles and a layered cheesecake with fresh summer fruits,and rocky road, so we will be eating desserts for days...
Of course we had our usual Christmas disagreements but it seems Christmas day wouldn't be complete without one but it was soon over and forgotten.
Funny all that hype and hard work plus alot of money spend for just a single day and then its over in a flash till next year, cant wait....
I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours, have a Happy New Year Everyone...