Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Well it's been a few months since i have had a chance to post any of my soaps....
I opened a shop at Lynden Court in Chartwell, Hamilton just a few days before Christmas so ever since it's been full on...
Since i opened i have met so many wonderful people and have a chance to share with them some of my creations...
But it hasn't been as i had imagined it would be, a few weeks back my camera got stolen when my shop was burgled so i am back to using my old crappy camera till my new camera arrives so the quality of my pics are not as good as they were... 
But anyway here a few of the soaps that i have made... i have so many more soaps that i still have to take photos of but will hopefully be sharing them with you all soon...Bye for now... 


  1. Your soapy cupcakes are some of the cutest and best I'e ever seen! Thanks for sharing. =)

  2. I came into your shop yesterday. It is fantastic. The smell is gorgeous. It is great to see ALL your soaps, not just the ones on your website. You have a HUGE range. I can't wait to try the Bath Bombs, and the Sugar Scrubs. Good luck with the moisturisers and incense sticks you are trialing. I'll see you next week!
