Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Random Act Of Kindness

  1. I have met the most amazing people since opening my shop but i just wanted to share with you all a wonderful moment in my day...
    This morning after opening late 2 young women were the first customers of my day, they were friendly and brought some of my soaps, one of them was a young mum whose daughter had come into my shop on the weekend with her friends and so she came in this morning for a look. You know you hear about people doing random acts of kindness but i have never in my life experienced anything like this... A short while later the same young women came back into my shop and handed me a card... she told me she never did anything like this before, i asked if i should open it and she said if you want, inside was a cheque for $200 the card reads.... 

    To Julie, i was moved when you told me about your break-in and your oils being smashed. I would like for you to have this towards some new oils, kind regards Sarah...

    I was so moved i couldn't speak, all i could do was give her a hug and ask her to call in for a coffee whenever she has the time...  this kind, generous, caring young women whom i had never met before showed me that when you are at your worst point a random act of kindness from a complete stranger can lift you up and move you to tears... So to Sarah a huge heart felt thank you... you are an such an amazing women, this moment in time will be remembered and cherished by me and my daughter for the longest time...and if you are reading this please call in for a coffee whenever you are always welcome...


  1. How wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Your soaps are beautiful, do you run your own storefront? That is my one day open my own store. I make soaps here in the U.S. and came across your blog. Your soaps are truly inspiring.
