Monday, February 13, 2012

Lemon Swirl Cheesecake Soap and a few Cupcakes

It's been so hot and humid here lately that i haven't felt like doing much at all except blobbing out in front of the fan in the lounge and going to sleep, but instead i did what i love doing the most and made some delicious soaps, here are a selection of my latest editions.
I just love the way my lemon swirl cheesecake turned out,for me anything lemon will do, i added a little vanilla as i think the vanilla complements the lemon so well and the glitter just finished it off beautifully.
I made another few batches of cupcakes they are dainty and pretty and are selling fast, my trade me customers just love them...
I also made a few slices of carrot cake and chocolate cake, the carrot smells delicious, i added some pureed carrot and a little spice fragrance, it is also made with coconut cream so it lathers beautifully, it's frosted with a buttery caramel and vanilla frosting with a touch of hazelnut, this smells like real food and makes me so hungry every time i smell it.
I have been trying to get the hang of using my new fragrances, as i changed suppliers as the postage for my usual fragrances was just way to costly, i managed to find another American supplier and their postage costs are so much more affordable and their fragrances are amazing,but i keep forgetting that they are concentrated and keep adding much more than i am supposed to ,which sets up my soap super quick, but at least they smell fantastic.
I must say i just adore the scents i just brought in, my new supplier has hundreds of different scents to choose from, the company i was previously buying from was getting way to expensive and i noticed that the same scents i always brought had an awful chemical scent to them, they made my batches of soap smell like meths, the chocolate scent smelled the worst of all which is such a shame as i brought a huge bottle that i cant use, and chocolate soap is my biggest seller too, when i contacted the company they said that it will smell a little that way in the bottle but will be different when you use it, it wasn't,it still smelled like meths after it had finished curing, the caramel also smelled like meths and went a deep brown when i used it, it usually turns a golden caramel, i managed to ruin 2 batches of soap using it, i was so disappointed, so much for customer loyalty, i was spending a small fortune with them each month too, I'm so glad i changed companies....

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