Monday, February 13, 2012

The Last of my Felt Foods...

I have finally had enough of felt foods, these are the last felt foods i have in stock, i have no plans to ever sew anymore, so this is it....
I have listed these on trademe (nz auction website) and sold a few things within minutes of listing them.
I cant say i will be sad to see them go, they represent hours of frustrated sewing, sore fingers and sleepless night and ever approaching deadlines to complete orders
What you make from sewing felt toys just isn't Worth the time and effort, there was a point during all the crazy sewing that i actually enjoyed what i was doing, but i think that was before i had demanding customers that wanted me to make these toys for next to nothing so that they could see them on in their shops and make huge profits...that's when it stopped being fun.
So to all my faithful customers who appreciated what i made, a big  thank you, i loved seeing your photos of your grandchildren, children and nieces etc with their new toys that i had made them...
Onwards and upwards....handmade soaps you have my full attention........

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