Monday, December 6, 2010

I love christmas....

I have been so busy lately with sewing for my market stalls that i didn't have the spare time to put up my Christmas tree and decorations, usually i have everything up in November.My daughter isn't a big fan of Christmas she thinks i get to carried away but i just love Christmas..... there is something wonderful about Christmas, the people are so friendly, the stores are full of fantastic decorations and everywhere you go there is Christmas music playing, the sparkle of the decorations on the trees, and Santa's all dressed up in red suits, i just love it.I know for some people Christmas can be a horrible time full of sadness and depression, but i am just thankful that for me it is filled with happiness, love, family and yummy food...

The tree is finally done....
These are my dogs Miss poppy and Mr Lou,( they are looking a little grubby and need baths) Poppy keeps stealing all my Christmas decorations and teddies and chewing them up, she is only a pup still and its her first Christmas so i haven't been to hard on her, Louie on the other hand is 2 1/2  he has done the stealing of the decorations all before and knows better,i  don't know what it is with my pets but even the cat was getting in on the act by trying to swing off the Christmas tree branches today, i guess even our pets love Christmas too.

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