Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fresh from my garden

I don't know much about growing veges and i don't have a green thumb but i am really impressed with the way my veges have been growing,on Friday i picked off 30 odd pea pods from my pea plants they were so sweet and delicious and 5 beetroot,( so much better than canned beetroot i will never buy it in a can again). Today i couldn't resist picking these lovely veges( courgettes, spinach and beetroot) we will have them for dinner tonight,my daughter wont eat the beetroot so that will mean more for me, but she enjoys the fresh spinach.I love that i can go out to the garden and pick something to eat that is fresh and tasty, something i have grown for my family to enjoy, beautiful veges that have no poisonous chemicals on them and they are not only healthy but fresh crisp and yummy.My potatoes will be ready soon and i cant wait, nothing beats new potatoes with mint and melted butter drizzled all over, i also have gherkins that are ready to go, so i am going to try my hand at making pickles, my rainbow silverbeet is Divine we love it, my apple cucumbers are growing well and will be turned into pickle when they are ready,and i am enjoying my crisp fresh lettuce everyday,i don't know what the eggplants are going to do as i have never grown them before but they have purple flowers on them so i guess it's a good sign, and my kumara have spread  so they must be doing well too. The rewards that you get from growing veges is so worth it, you save money, get to enjoy the most fresh, crisp and juicy veges around, and your family will actually enjoy eating them.Now all i have to do is plan what else i am going to plant....

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