Monday, April 18, 2016

Our Baby Girl...

Lucy.. this photo was taken when she was a few minutes old. her first cuddle with her dad.

Lucy now...

Hi Everyone well its been a very busy month for me i gave birth to my beautiful daughter Lucy Rose on the 19th March she was born at 35 weeks. We live in a small rural town so we had a mad dash by ambulance to the closest hospital it was a bumpy fast ride and a very quick birth, Lucy was born healthy and a good weight and after 5 days we were allowed to go home. She has put on a great amount of weight now and is thriving, it's exhausting being a mum again at the age of 47 but i am loving every minute.
Bye for now...


  1. Congratulation about your baby. She is beautiful. Good luck to you everybody.


  2. WOW!!! So precious!! I've loved motherhood. My children are now grown and at age 48 myself, I cannot imagine starting over again:)but...congratulations!! So happy for you. Nothing like our precious children;)

    1. It was a huge surprise finding out that I was pregnant at my age, I have 3 children that are all grown up my youngest is 22 so a huge age gap in between but I am loving every minute,I'm finding that being a new mum all over again at this age is so much easier than I thought it would be as I am more relaxed than I was when I was younger and more easy going..I've had a few negative remarks from people but I have a beautiful healthy baby girl to cuddle and love, I am enjoying this new chapter in my life.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Julie!
    First of all congratulations for your beautiful baby.
    I have thre girls and I adore them.
    Enjoy your baby and don´t worry for what some people tell you.
    I am from Spain and I find your soaps and they are precious.
    My oldest daughter is going to make her first holy communion and I would like to decorate the restaurant table with your cupcake and cake soaps as guest gift. Do you sell them? To Spain? Is on May 2017.
    Thanks ! I didn´t find any email to writte you.
