Monday, November 19, 2012

It's that crazy Christmas time again

So it begins... the crazy Christmas rush.
I had a fantastic day today Lucky Break Magazine published an article about me in this weeks issue, i was really happy with the way it was written and they took some great photos of my soaps so a big thank you to Kristina from Lucky Break..

Also I'd like to say a huge thank you to my wonderful and supportive friend Kayla, over the last few weeks she has been amazing... without her help i wouldn't have been able to achieve all that i do, she has been there constantly, helping me with every aspect of the soap process, right down to packing and wrapping..
Her help has truly been invaluable...

These are just a few of my latest soaps thought you may like to see a few more pics...

I have now cut up my cheesecakes they turned out so much better than i could have hoped for, the chocolate cake smells amazing and looks so edible, this has to be one of my favorite soaps i have ever made, it makes me hungry smelling it, probably because i am a huge choc addict...

Well enjoy the pics, bye for now...


  1. All so beautiful! My favorite is the holly berries!

  2. So nice!! jummy in my tummy!!

    I can almost smell it well done!!

    Hugs Sharon

  3. You really are a soap artist. A very talented besides! :)
    I don´t know, which one I love most - but I know now that I still have much to learn! ;)

    With greetings from Cologne,

  4. Your soap is always so gorgeous! It makes me want to go out and buy a real cupcake to munch on. :)

  5. Your soaps look yummy!
