Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Delicious Soaps

Cheesecake Soap

Caramel Cupcake Soaps

Delicious Berry Cheesecake

Creamy Rose Cupcake Soap

Baby Rose Cupcake Soap

Raspberry Cupcake Soap

Shabby Chic Cupcake Soap

Mini Lime Cupcake Soaps

Hi Everyone,i thought you'd like to have a look at a few of my latest soaps, more cupcakes and cheesecakes.
I have been so busy lately creating more foodie type soaps as i have many more stores stocking them now.

I have so many ideas running through my head for more delicious soaps that look like sweet treats,cakes,cupcakes, slices and cheesecakes that i am barely able to think of anything else, i go to sleep thinking about soap and wake up full of inspiration, so it has fully taken over every aspect of my day...
Although foodie soaps are my true passion I have still found the time to make more bar soaps for my fantastic customers, i have a few really lovely bars curing that will be ready soon.

My latest favorites is my hemp shampoo bar, it smells divine,it is a mix of patchouli, grapefruit,summer fruits and apple,jasmine, vanilla and a little musk, i used green tea in this also, i usually like sweet florals and fruity scented soaps, so for me this is something completely different, but it smells so nice, i have never made hemp soap before so i cant wait till its finished curing so that i can try it.

It's been a few weeks now since i first started using my tea tree shampoo bar and i just love it, my hair has never looked so nice or felt so soft before and the tea tree smells so light and lemony, my hair used to be so limp and lifeless before but now it is full of body, so i will never go back to using brought shampoo again, all i use is just the tea tree soap and a lemon rinse afterwards, easy...

Mum i haven't forgotten about the solid perfume, i keep forgetting to send it, so i will pop it in the mail next week.
Rachel if you are ready this then i haven't forgotten about you either, i have just been so busy but i do have more soaps for you and the girls to try and even a manly one for hubby..Bye for now.


  1. Thanks Julie
    They all look so delicious, I love the raspberry cupcake, well I love them all! and cant wait to get my perfume

  2. These are beautiful I'm starting out making soap but have been told that I can't make food imitations so how did you get around this . Maria
