Saturday, April 28, 2012

Soap Cupcakes & a few Bar Soaps

Blue Raspberry Cupcake Soaps

Chocomint Cupcake Soaps

Chocolate Orange Cupcake Soap

Cashmere Kisses & Silk

I haven't made that much soap lately as i have been taking a few days time out to relax and think a little about the direction my business is heading in...

So these few soaps are all i have for now, i have plenty of new fragrances that i am getting around to trying out, most of them are really girly smelling and more  like perfume than the usual foodie and floral scents that i love.

But in saying that I have to say my favorite soap of all time has to be the cashmere silk soap, it smells absolutely amazing, i just cant stop smelling this soap, i even made some solid perfume with it because i love it so much that way i can wear it all the time.
Friends have commented on how lovely i smell when i have this fragrance on and several of my customers have asked me to put by bars of this soap when it is ready so they don't miss out, but i imagine that is is going to be a soap that i will be making over and over again...

Well this is all for now as i have a batch of cupcake soaps to make.


  1. I must tell you that I love looking at all of your soaps - they are simply amazing. Every time I need an extra boost of inspiration for my own soap making, your blog is one of the first places I go. So glad I found you!

  2. Ces vraiment magnifique, j'aime je vient de commencer, avec le savon
    Tout les jours on apprend des choses ces vraiment extraordinaire, ces que du bohneur, japrend
