Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Latest Cupcakes& Cake Slice Soaps,my obsession with soaps continues

I have had a great start to my week..
A photographer from the New Zealand Herald came out on Monday morning to take photos of my soaps for an upcoming issue of their paper, i was so nervous, she wanted photos of me making and frosting my cupcakes, i was so worried that something would go wrong with my soap recipe but it all went perfectly and she took some fantastic photos, i cant wait to see what to see my cupcakes in print, i don't know when its going to go in the paper but as soon as i find out I'll let you know...

My daughter Rebbekah has now been bitten by the soap bug too and she asks me everyday now if she can make a batch of soap, so far she has made 2 absolutely beautiful batches that i will put up for sale on my website when they are ready, i think she feels she has a purpose now, she decided to have a break this year before she goes on to further her education, as she has finished high school last year, she has been moping around the house eating junk food and playing xbox all day so it's nice to see her enthusiastic about something again...

I was inspired this week by a blog i read by Missouri River Soaps an extremely talented soap maker called Holly made the most beautiful batch of natural soap i have ever seen, she called it Sprinkles and Twinkles it looked so beautiful that i knew i had to make a batch of natural soap of my own, no fragrance just plain simple soap, i have been so busy making highly fragranced, colored soap that i had forgotten how lovely a simple plain bar of soap can be, so i made some, it isn't as beautiful as Hollies soap but i cant wait to use it, i added some silk and Greek yogurt to it to make it that little bit more luxurious, it smells lovely and looks so creamy, i did add some cosmetic glitter to it though as i am a little obsessed with the stuff..
 My loving husband took me shopping on the weekend for a new camera as my crappy old one takes such awful photos, i have never had a proper camera before so i have  been enjoying the luxury of taking photos with it, its fantastic..

 FedEx  just dropped off a parcel full of the new fragrances i ordered, i am a little surprised that they have arrived already, but i have smelled them all and decided exactly what soaps are going to be made with these delicious fragrances.
Till next time, I'm off to make more soa

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