Monday, February 27, 2012

I Love Soap....

Thought you might like to have a look at some of my most recent soap editions.

I have been asked by the organizers the Hamilton Vintage & Retro fair if i would like to have a stall on the 31st March, so i have been busy making some new soaps that will be ready in time for the fair, plus i have craftmad in Hamilton East this Saturday the 3rd march.

 I have made most of my new soaps  in vintage and retro colors to go with the theme of the day, i have some delicious fragrances to match, i think my favorite would have to be the Vintage Rose, my husband says it smells like baby powder but i just love it, it's a delicate light fragrance, i cant wait for this bar to be cured so that i can shower with it,cause  i cant stop smelling this bar.

I have also made another detox bar as the last sold out in days, i have revamped it a little with a new look, but it still has all the same ingredients and fragrance, i think this looks so much nicer.

I have also made some new cheesecake soaps, these sell out so fast that i am forever making them, the coconut creamberry pie is a fantastic seller, it is made with real coconut cream so it has an amazing lather and smells absolutely edible.

I recently ordered some new cupcake cases and i was very impressed with them when they arrived, i cant wait to make a start on my new cupcakes using the beautiful new cases, i still have plenty of cupcakes curing, but i sell loads of cupcakes so you can never have to many...

I finally managed to get a parcel of my latest soaps sent out to my mum today, she has been staying with my sister for a while so i wasn't sure if she would be at home when her parcel arrived or not,but i thought I'd risk it, so mum if you are reading this a parcel of soaps are on their way to you, enjoy...

It's nearly the end of the month so it's that time again when i send out lovely sample parcels to all my human guinea pigs to try, i have quite a collection of guinea pigs that just love trying my soaps,they are friends, family and repeat customers but i am always on the lookout for new test subjects, so if you are interested drop me a line...  at the moment the lovely ladies behind the counter at the local post shop i go to are enjoying my soap samples, they give me such positive feedback, so that's wonderful to hear.

I have had so much interest in my soaps lately!!!!, Christine from the herald wants to do a story about me for the back page of the herald so i am really looking forward to that, my soaps are really taking off, which is fantastic...
I just love making soap...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie.... Lovely soaps I am home at present so hopefully will get them here...cant wait. You are so creative!
