Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Latest Soaps, Listed Today

Now that the Christmas rush has been and gone i am able to get back to a more normal pace of soap making yet again..

These are the latest soaps i listed today, as you can see i have made plenty more chocolate soaps and have more curing that will be ready shortly as they are such big sellers for me.

As i am am always one for experimenting i have been trying all new food items to add to the mix, goats milk, cream, yogurt etc..., the last few batches of soap i have made have been made with coconut cream and i just love the results so from now on i will be adding this to nearly all my soaps, the lather is amazing and the softness outstanding...

In the past i have tried beer, baileys, coke, whiskey, to name a few but none of them except the baileys stood out for me, so if you want a beautiful creamy soap that smells great, try adding baileys...

Out of all the soaps here i have to admit that i just love the smell of the almond soap the most even though i am a chocoholic, i did make a choc almond dessert not long back and everyone just loved it so you can guess what the next soap i make will be.
I have a few surprises in store for some of my regular customers as i am bringing out a new range of more natural soaps for those with sensitive skins like me...

Will post more soaps when they are ready.

Happy New Year Everyone.....

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