Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My favourite soap ever ...

I've made so many soaps but i think that out of all my soaps these are my most favourite yet, they smell amazing the first is my coconut creamberry pie... A delicious creamy coconut and caramelised buttery sweet toffee base,topped with a delicious filling of rich coconut cream and berries and then a layer of sweet juicy rich ripe crushed berry sauce finished with whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry, or delicate baby pink roses.
My marshmallow slice...A Creamy coconut and caramelised buttery gooey toffee base,topped with a delicious filling of rich coconut cream and ripe juicy berries then a layer of sugary sweet rich mixed berry sauce and smothered with whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry.

I also had a big clean up of my felt goods, after many years i have decided not to continue making them they take ages to sew and for such little return it's just not worth the hassle of it all,plus i dont have the time anymore, so i put together many different bulk packs of them and listed them on trade me, i have loads of watchers so far so it will be interesting to see how they do, well back to the soap making....

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