Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mouthwatering Slices of Pie soaps

Blueberry Pie

Hot Apple Pie

Luscious Lemon Meringue Pie

I have been busy making pies made from cold process soaps, they smell amazing, the lemon meringue was a best seller for me last time i made it, it sold out straight away, so this time i made extra pies, a tangy hot apple pie, and a heavenly blueberry pie, Delicious.

I have also been busy making whole soap cakes, i am so please with the way my latest cake turned out, i used olive oil, Castor oil, vitamin e oil, coconut oil, palm oil and heaps of cocoa butter, its a yummy honey cake, made with real manuka honey , it's two delicious layers of honey cake  filled with fruity raspberry filling, this cake smells like it's edible,at the moment it is uniced i am going to ice it with beautiful white frosting, then drizzle it with honey soap, i am hoping it will look lovely I'll keep you posted.

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