Friday, May 13, 2011

Little felt booties

I decided to make a few little felt booties as i was sick of sewing felt cakes, i don't know what ill do with them yet, but i am really happy with the way they turned out.
I also got out the sewing machine and made a few things i am crap at sewing on the machine and prefer to hand sew, but i was quite surprised that my sewing wasn't to bad, i made sandwich wraps and reusable sandwich bags as i am the worst person i know for using glad wrap, so i guess this is a start to cutting down on my usage, they are all completely washable so it doesn't matter if they get dirty.
Don't know what I'll sew next as i have run out of ideas, i have another market this coming weekend at Tamahere so i am keeping my fingers crossed for some good weather, i have plenty of felt foods and soaps to sell so i hope that it will be a good day.

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