Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day......(the ungrateful wife)

As i sat in my lounge room yesterday i could see a lot of courier vans and delivery vehicles driving past delivering what i could only imagine to be beautiful bunches of lovely flowers with sentimental cards dripping with sugary sweet loving words written on them, and couldn't help but feel a little resentful wishing it were me just for once.
You see i have been with my husband for coming up 19 years and never once have i received a valentines day gift from him, he just isn't the soppy romantic type.
My son rang me in the morning and told me that he couldn't afford to buy his partner flowers for valentines Day so instead he let her sleep in and got the kids up for school, organised their breakfast, lunches, bags, uniforms etc... and drove them to school, then when he got home he picked her a bunch of lovely roses from their garden and made her breakfast in bed, i thought that was so lovely and thoughtful and romantic.
I like Valentines day, so i usually make my husband a nice meal (his Favourite) and buy him a small gift and card, Yesterday i did the same but minus the gift and card as i thought why bother he doesn't appreciate it anyway, so i just made a roast which was a big feet, after all it is the middle of a scorching hot summer as soon as you turn the stove on the little house we live in heats up to a million degrees and there is no cooling it down, not to mention the fact that i don't even eat meat, but a roast is his favourite so that's what he got.
But yesterday was different for me, i saw my hubby walk in the gate after he had finished working a 13 hour day in the scorching hot sun, he was all dusty and sunburned and looked tired but he was smiling and he had something in his hands so i looked out the window, was it something beautiful, a bunch of exquisite flowers, chocolates? a heartfelt  gift for me on Valentines day surely not, but i was wrong, it was for me, and it was a gift, i don't drink so he brought me some low alcohol wine and a pot plant, a gerbera, i don't want to seem ungrateful but i waited nearly 19 years for this moment and this is what i got, i love him to bits but he really has no idea, at least he tried i guess, i smiled thanked him and tried to seem pleased but i just wasn't the overjoyed gushing happy wife he expected me to be, maybe i don't deserve a gift, after all its supposed to be the thought that counts, and i was just ungrateful, and for this i am not very proud of myself at all.......
At least i can see now why he doesn't bother, because nothing he chooses would ever be good enough for me, i am just to fussy......

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