Monday, January 31, 2011

Yummy Yummy Cupcakes (and they're real)

Today i felt like baking, so i decided to make some real cupcakes for a change. Rebbekah woke up early because she smelled them cooking and couldn't believe i had actually made food and not soap.
The frosting is so yummy, i lost my old recipe so i had to make one up.(Rachel you really need to try this you'll love it).
Here is the recipe for the frosting before i forget how i made it.
150g vege shortening
100g butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
vanilla essence

Place sugar and water in a small pan and heat till all the sugar is melted, leave to cool.
Beats fats till creamy and pale add vanilla essence and beat again slowly add cooled sugar syrup beat till nice and thick.

You can see in my photo my new cupcake stand, i brought it off the Internet, i wasn't so impressed when i received it in the mail but it does look great when the cupcakes are on it.

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